How to Buy an Adjustable Bed

How to Buy an Adjustable Bed

Adjustable beds are excellent for those who have injuries and need adjustments accordingly. People also buy these beds looking for a better night's sleep in a comfortable bed. With just a touch of a button, the adjustable bed can bring much more effective sleep to consumers.


Decide which size adjustable bed you want to buy. Depending on your sleeping arrangements, you may have to choose a bigger bed than you currently own.


Shop around at your local department stores or furniture stores. Even if you can find a better deal online, you must test out the beds before making the purchase.


Test each bed that you are interested in. Expensive beds are not always the best beds. Each person's body fits and molds to the beds differently.


Select a mattress first. There are many different mattress types such as memory-foam, air-bed, regular-coil and spring-type mattresses.


Discuss with your doctor the mattress that you think is most comfortable. Talk with him to see if he feels that this bed is the best option for you. Even if you don't have an injury, speaking to your doctor provides you with more information.


Choose an adjustable base that caters to your exact needs. Consulting the salesman gives you a better idea of what you may be looking for.


Look over the warranty so that you know exactly what is covered and what isn't when you buy your adjustable bed.


Purchase the adjustable bed that is just right for you. Purchase your bed from a reputable company at the best price.

How to Build a Japanese Rock Garden

How to Build a Japanese Rock Garden

Japanese rock gardens are made using only rocks and light-colored gravel. Five different types of stones can be used and they symbolize islands. Light-colored gravel, which symbolizes water around the islands is also added and raked into different patterns, which form symbolic waves around the islands. It's easy to build a Japanese rock garden, also known as a "Karesansui," and it's a wonderful activity for just about all ages. Read on to learn how to build a Japanese rock garden.

Things You'll Need:

A solid box, such as a fancy chocolates box

Sand from a playground or beach, or very fine gravel

Pebbles or small rocks and stones

A fork or miniature rake


Choose a box and fill it halfway to the top with sand or gravel. Gently shake the box to level out the sand or gravel and make it as smooth as possible.


Use your fork and draw a pattern in the sand or gravel. Make your movements slow and purposeful. The idea is to create an atmosphere where you feel free to play and experiment, both physically and mentally, at least for a few moments at a time.


Arrange your pebbles, stones and rocks into a pattern that seems calming to you. You can place them alone or in groups. Do not use any stone that bothers you in any way, including their color, shape or size. Once placed, rake the sand or gravel around the pebbles or stones in a circular pattern.


Make more than one Japanese rock garden. Keep one for yourself and give one away to a friend or someone else who could use a calming influence in their life.

How to Breathe From the Belly

How to Breathe From the Belly

Breathing from the belly is a technique that allows a deeper, more calming and regulated breathing cycle. You also can use deep stomach breathing to alleviate pain in your back or chest injury or near a rib. Follow these steps to learn to breathe from the belly.


Sit or stand upright, with good posture. Put your hands at your sides or in your lap. Relax your shoulders. Make sure that your lower back is supporting your upper back, and your upper back is supporting your shoulders so they don't sag or roll forward. Keep your head back and chin facing forward.


Take a few minutes to monitor your breathing so that you begin to breathe with intention. Close your eyes and feel which part of your body each breath affects. Notice if you feel more pressure on your upper body, near your chest or by your belly.


Breathe in through your nose. As you inhale, expand your belly. Continue to inhale and let your belly expand until you start to feel a slight pressure on your chest. Stop inhaling and hold the breath for a moment.


Open your mouth slightly to exhale. Gently blow air out through your mouth while tightening your belly in order to "supply" your mouth with the air to push out. Exhale slowly while paying attention to air moving through your body. Stop exhaling once you feel that there is no more pressure on your belly.

How to Boost Your Health with Nourishing Herbal Infusions

How to Boost Your Health with Nourishing Herbal Infusions

Are you wondering how to boost your health and have a healthy lifestyle? Herbal tea can help you do just that in a fun and easy way. Even something so simple as drinking a few cups of green tea each day can be so good for you.

But there are other herbs that are also good for you. For example, stinging nettle and oatstraw can enhance your health when taken on a daily basis. All you need to do is create a stronger brew.

Some herbalists call these "herbal infusions" which are basically herbs steeped for a longer period of time. When the right herbs are chosen, they can really enhance your health and increase energy and stamina.

The herbs used are typically considered food, not medicine. Try them one at a time and observe how your body reacts. Note - don't use green tea or black tea for this as steeping it for a while will make them too bitter.

Things You'll Need:

Choose one of these dried herbs: stinging nettle leaves, oatstraw leaves and lemon balm leaves

Boiling water

Quart mason jar



Choose one of the herbs from the list above. Stinging nettle is typically used as a gentle aid to the adrenal glands. Oatstraw is considered a good one to take to help nourish the nervous system, the bones, and connective tissue. Lemon balm is a wonderful herb to pick if you have been under a lot of stress. Don't mix the herbs, just choose one so you can see how your body reacts.


Place 1 cup of the herb in a quart mason jar. Make sure the jar and the lid are clean. No need to sterilize because you won't be keeping it around for very long.


Pour boiling water over the herb. Fill to the top. Make sure you release all the air bubbles with a chopstick.


Cover the jar tightly and set on the counter. Let it steep for four to eight hours.


Strain the infusion out of the mason jar. At this point you can either pour it over ice or reheat it and sweeten it. You can store the herb in the refrigerator for 24 to 36 hours.


After drinking the herbal tea, observe how your body reacts. If you don't like the taste or it doesn't seem to agree with you, don't drink the rest of it and try a different herb.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure you use only the herbs that are listed. Some herbs are not suited to be used this way.

How to Boost the Immune System

How to Boost the Immune System

Inside your body is an immune system that is ready to defeat any single threat to the body's existence. If you are healthy, the immune system is successful, working hard seven days of the week. You cannot live without your immune system. Learn about boosting your immune system to improve your body's ability to fight disease. Read on to learn more.

Eat Healthy and Low-Fat Foods


Learn to like foods that boost your immune system like apples, oranges, leafy greens, broccoli, cantaloupe, brown rice and olive oil. Take a look at your food intake by listing the types of food that you eat each day. See if you can consume healthier food.


Eat vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruit, leafy greens and roots to build your body's ability to protect itself from becoming sick. Include fish and poultry in your diet because these foods give the body strength.


Stay away from high-fat desserts. Having a desert occasionally on special occasions is okay. Avoid deserts every day of the week or even three times a week. A consistent intake of high-fat diet food guarantees a decline in the body's immune system and eventually the start of a serious illness.


Cut down on dairy products, large quantities of red meat and eggs because these foods contain fats that are not easily digestible. Reduced fat in your diet will help reduce the changes of wearing the body down so it's defenses are weak.


Evaluate your eating habits in about two weeks to determine your progress on eating healthier foods.


Study and understand the importance of balancing your intake of vitamins and minerals. Too much of a good thing can cause an imbalance and thus the vitamins and minerals cannot perform their jobs to help protect you.

Consider Medicinal Herbs, Spices and Cancer-Fighting Foods


Take garlic because it is the powerful health enhancer. Many natural-health practitioners deem garlic as the cure-all plant. Its strong properties protect and stabilize the immune system when taken over a long period.


Drink green tea and black tea because they contain antioxidants, bioflavonoids, tannins and indoles. All of these antioxidants have proved to fight cancer.


Commit to learning about the use of medicinal plants from a traditional outlook. For centuries plants have been a natural resource for curing or easing body ailments due to the reduction of the immune system. Getting back to medicinal plants brings you closer to the natural process to help keep the body healthy.

Exercise to Build a Defense System


Walk 4 times a week, or if you are in better shape, jog 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Sweating and keeping the body moving and functioning beyond the normal daily routine boosts the immune system.


Start exercising if you don't exercise now. Keep in mind the benefits that result in simple starting an exercise program.

Tips & Warnings

Antioxidants prevent disease, boost the immune system, and slow the aging process. Protect your body from arthritis, allergies, cataracts, cancer, the common cold, the flu and heart disease by eating antioxidants.

How to Make Sweatpants Summer Sexy

How to Make Sweatpants Summer Sexy

Every woman loves to be comfortable, but cute at the same time! You are all probably thinking "how can sweatpants be SEXY?" Well feat not ladies, it is possible! Depending on your level of dedication, they can be transformed from baggy to Bermuda, or gross to gaucho! Turn your winter-wear into a summer staple!

Things You'll Need:



permanent markers




hot glue / super glue


Take a pair of sweatpants that you have shoved under the bed that you have disregarded whether it be because they were too short, stained, or whatever your excuse not to wear them anymore is.


If they are stained, find a permanent marker the same color as the stain and create a design on top of or around the marked area. This will add a unique touch and save this once trashed treasure!


Do you hate the elastic at the bottoms of sweatpants? Or have you washed a pair of your sweatpants only to find them 2 inches shorter than they were pre-wash? Have no fear... the scissors are here! Put on your sweatpants and roll the bottoms up to the desired length. Mark with a piece of chalk or marker. Take the pants off and cut on the line to create a new pair of chic Capri's. For a more beach-y look, cut at the knee for a trendy pair of Bermuda sweat-shorts!


Pair any of these looks with flip flops and a tank top for a sun-filled day at the beach...or with sneakers and a tee for a strenuous workout at the gym...or even on a rainy day to escape the worry of having the bottom of your pants soaked with muddy rain water! Not only will your pants be weather appropriate, but unique and trendy too!


Accenting your new sexy sweatpants has infinite possibilities. Pull out your trust hot-glue (super glue works fine too!) and add rhinestones, beads, or patches! Acrylic paints and permanent markers also let you create wild patterns and designs that are one-of-a-kind!

Tips & Warnings

Remember: most sweatpants are cotton, which is a very breathable and weather friendly material! Have fun and always sport your summer sexy sweats!

How to Make Sure High Heels Fit Correctly

How to Make Sure High Heels Fit Correctly

Since walking gracefully in high heels requires balance, you need to make sure that the shoes fit correctly. A shoe that doesn't fit can lead to all sorts of problems, including calluses, corns and falls. When you try the shoes on, you should take a minute to test the fit.


Put the shoes securely on your feet. Try on the shoe just like you would wear it. This means putting both shoes on and securing any buckles.


Walk across the room. Once you have a pair of heels on your feet, you need to walk around a bit in order to test the fit. A shoe that feels comfortable while you're sitting down may be painful to walk in.


Turn around. After you walk in a straight line, see how the heels feel when you make a quick turn. Your shoes should not give at all when you make the turn


Examine the way that your feet feel in the high heels. Determine whether or not you feel any pain or discomfort in your heels or toes. In addition, once you take weight off the shoes, your feet should not feel sore.


Check if the high heels stay on your feet. If they stay secure while you are moving and feel comfortable, then you have found a good fitting pair.

Tips & Warnings

Obviously your comfort level when trying on the shoe is also affected by the type of heels you want. Very high heels with a pointed toe are going to feel less comfortable than a lower heeled pump.

To get an idea of how the heels fit when wearing stockings, use the store's disposable stocking socks when trying the shoes on.

How to Make Simple Patterns from Old Clothes

How to Make Simple Patterns from Old Clothes

An old favorite garment is getting threadbare and you can't seem to find one like it anywhere. It's one of those that fits just perfectly and can be worn on nearly any occasion. You'd have a closet full of them if only you could find them. No need to fret any longer. You can actually make a pattern from your beloved frock and reproduce it for years to come. For example, we'll assume you have a favorite three quarter sleeve cotton tee shirt with a scoop neck.

Things You'll Need:

Good fabric scissors

Pattern paper

Pen or pencil that will show on fabric


Paper to take notes


Using good fabric-only scissors carefully cut along the seam of the shirt's bodice at both sides and across both shoulders. You should have a shirt front without sleeves and with interfacing. Cut carefully along the interfacing until you have it separated.


Put the tee shirt front onto the pattern paper, pinning it flat. Adding your seam allowance (say it is 3/8", a typical allowance), add that much space around the tee as you cut it out of the pattern paper. You can eyeball this--take time and care but don't sweat it too much--it doesn't have to be perfect.


Mark the pieces as soon as you cut them out to avoid mixing them up. Sometimes pieces look the same but they aren't. Write front on the piece.


Now lay the sleeve into the pattern piece watching for that seam allowance and mark where it fits into the pattern with a little x or small horizontal line where it joins the top and bottom of the armhole. Do this on both sides--with the proper sleeve--right for right and left to left. Do the same with the interfacing piece.


Cut each piece in the same manner, leaving your seam allowance and marking where seams that join pieces begin and end. Mark each pattern piece's position (this is hugely important when remaking a complicated garment) as to front, back, right, left or center. When you finish, you will have a completed set of pattern pieces, marked well enough to be able to reassemble like a real pattern.

How to Make Shoes Look New Again

How to Make Shoes Look New Again

If you have a favorite pair of shoes that look old and worn, you might wonder how you can make those shoes look new again. Just because a pair of shoes has seen better days doesn't mean that the shoes have to end up in the trash. You can make shoes look new again if you know what to do.


Shine your shoes with shoe polish. This works especially well on leather shoes. Select a shoe polish that matches the color of your shoes and apply the polish to your shoes with a sponge or a soft cloth. Cover up scuff marks and scratches as well as any areas on your shoes that appear dull. Buff any excess polish from the shoes with a soft cloth and allow the polish to dry completely before wearing.


Wash the shoes by hand with a towel, soap and water. Scrub off any dirt on the shoes to make the shoes look new again. You can do this with both leather and canvas shoes. Let the shoes air dry before wearing.


Purchase new shoelaces. If your shoes have laces that appear dirty or frayed, a new pair of shoelaces can make your shoes look new again.


Take your shoes to a shoe repair shop. If your shoes have a worn out sole or heel, consider having it replaced. A new sole, heel or heel caps placed at the base of the heel can make a shoe look like new.


Buff your shoes with a buffing sponge or cloth. Some shoe stores sell a buffing sponge or cloth designed specifically for buffing shoes. You can use these products to buff away scuff marks and to give your shoes a new shiny look.

Tips & Warnings

You can wash some shoes such as canvas shoes in a washing machine. Remove shoelaces before washing shoes in a washing machine and allow the shoes to air-dry afterwards.

How to Make Sandals From Newspapers

How to Make Sandals From Newspapers

Summer breaks, school holidays and rainy weekends can make for bored kids. Rather than sticking them in front of the television or video-game console for hours on end, get them active and engaged in a craft activity. This may engage their minds and creativity, keeping them happier and more relaxed than the pixilated images on a computer screen. Keep them occupied by teaching them to make


from newspapers.

Things You'll Need:

30 full sheets of newspaper


Masking tape


Colored comics page


Roll up each individual sheet of newspaper as tightly as you can into long, cylindrical tubes. Tape the tubes at the edges, so they retain their shape. Then, press them all flat.


Take one flattened tube and fold down 2 inches of it at the top, wrapping the rest of the flattened tube around the folded part.


Tape the top of another flattened tube to the end of the coiled tube you just made. Coil this flattened tub around itself, just like you did with the first one. Continue this process with the other flattened tubes until you have an oval that's half the length of your foot.


Wrap a flattened tube around the width of the oval as tightly as you can, and then tape it to secure it. Continue doing this with the other flattened tubes until you've formed the base of a shoe that's big enough for your foot.


Thread a flattened tube through an outside tube on either side of the upper part of the sole, securing the tube on each side with glue. This is the strap of your sandal.


Trace the outline of the sandal onto the cartoon page and then cut out a traced area of the comics, gluing it to the bed of the sandal.


Repeat this process to make the second shoe.

Tips & Warnings

If you don't wear socks with your sandals, you can expect some newsprint to rub off on your feet. This print can be easily washed off with soap and water or with some baby oil on a cotton ball.

Sandals made from newspapers aren't meant for rough activities. They will get torn up if you run around outside with them for very long. They're best for walking around the house and in the soft grass.

How to Make Roman Sandals

How to Make Roman Sandals

For centuries, fearless Roman soldiers marched to war wearing nothing on their feet except for thin, leather, lace-up


. However, the flimsy appearance of these sandals was misleading. Roman sandals were tough and able to withstand hundreds of miles of marching across hard roads and rugged terrain as well as prolonged, heated battles. The Romans were masters of warfare and they knew how to make their sandals well. While you may not be able to duplicate the durability of Roman sandals, you can certainly learn how to make a pair that looks just like the real thing.

Things You'll Need:

Two 12-by-12-inch pieces of a hard, flat board


Leather scraps

Staple gun

Cork tile

Sharp knife




Metric ruler


Use a pencil to trace the outline of one of your feet on each piece of board.


Cut out the outline of your foot on the pieces of board using a jigsaw.


Place the wooden soles on the cork tile and trace the outline of the soles onto the tile. Using a sharp knife, cut out the outline on the cork tile.


Make two thongs from the leather scraps by cutting the scraps with the knife. Each thong should be 1 meter long and 3 mm wide.


Cut out a 17-by-7-cm rectangle from the leather scraps and cut out two holes in the rectangle just below the top edge. One should be on each side of the rectangle. This will be your heel piece.


Cut a 12-by-7-cm rectangle from the leather scraps. Cut two small holes just under the top edge of the rectangle, one on each side. This will be the top piece of the sandal.


Staple the heel piece to the wooden soles.


Staple the top piece across the top of the soles, with the hole the farthest away from the top of the sole, making sure to apply one edge of the top piece to each edge of the sole.


Staple the cork-tile pieces to the bottoms of the wooden soles.


Smooth out the staples using a pair of pliers.


Thread one thong through the holes in the heel and top pieces along one side of the shoe, and then repeat with the other side of the shoe.


Fasten the thongs to the sandals with the twine, cutting as small a piece of twine as possible for the purpose.

Tips & Warnings

Socks should be worn with these Roman sandals to avoid splinters from the wooden soles.

Only adults should use a jigsaw when cutting out the wooden soles of the sandals. Safety goggles should be worn at all times, and
should stand well back from the saw during cutting.

How to Make Pog Earrings

How to Make Pog Earrings

If you have some left over Pogs and milkcaps from your childhood games, here's a way to incorporate their nostalgia into your everyday fashion.

Things You'll Need:

2 similar or duplicate Pogs

2 earring hooks

jewelry wire

colored beads

wire cutters


2 crimp beads


Punch a small hole at the top of each Pog large enough for the wire to fit through.


Cut a small piece of wire and thread it through the hole in the Pog.


Slip on whatever beads you would like to compliment the colors of the Pog. Make sure you put some on both sides of wire.


Hold the two ends of the wire together and slip them through the circular hook at the bottom of the


hook. Do not let go.


Holding the wires together with the earring hook threaded on as well, slip on a crimp bead over the two ends of the wire and use the pliers or a similar tool to flatten the crimp bead. This will hold the earring hook and beads together.


Trim off the rest of the wire beyond the crimp bead so it cannot poke out and hurt you.

Tips & Warnings

The crimps, wire and beads can be found at any craft store.

The beads add a little color and detail to the earrings, but you can choose to do without them and stick with the simple design on the Pog. You can still use the wire to hook on the Pog in this case, but you could also use a small metal jewelry ring, which can also be found at any craft store.

Be sure to clean the earring with rubbing alcohol before wearing.

How to Make Pleats in Skirts

How to Make Pleats in Skirts

Pleated skirts have folds that are formed by folding the fabric back upon itself and securing the folds with sewing. The folds in pleats can pressed or ironed to give them a polished look, or they can be relaxed for more casual skirts. This classic style, called the knife pleat, has been around since the late 19th century.

Things You'll Need:

Cotton fabric that is several inches longer than your desired width

Large piece tracing paper

Tracing wheel

Measuring tape or ruler

Sewing machine with sewing thread

Straight pins


Lay the right of the skirt face down on a large piece of tracing paper. Draw your pleat lines on the wrong side of the skirt with the tracing wheel.


Sew by hand a small backstitch along the traced line used to mark your pleat. Be sure to use a contrasting thread and to avoid tying knots.


Sew a blind hem to the front panel by machine. Stop about 4 inches from each side seam.


Sew a stitch about 4 inches from the top edge down to the hem. The place 4 inches from the top is called the breakpoint. Instead of backstitching, pull the threads through to the back and simply tie off to secure the stitch.


Pin the pleats from the waist to the break point to secure them. Stitch through all layers so that each newly stitched line is matched up with the one before it. Pull the threads through the back instead of backstitching.


Use an iron to press the pleats, matching the traced lines with each back fold.


Sew an edge stitch down the back side of each pleat.

Tips & Warnings

The right side of the fabric refers to the side that is visible, while the wrong side refers to the inside, or the side that is not visible after a garment is made.

Try to make the pleat folds by using a pleater, such as the one pictured at Taunton, to help you create even, crisp-looking pleats (see Resources below).

There are many different kinds of pleats, some of which are explained at length at (see Resources below).

The knife pleat is constructed with a 3 to 1 ratio, meaning 3 inches of fabric for each 1 inch of pleat.

Edge stitches are best sewn with an edge foot on the sewing machine.

Some pleats may not hold their folds after being pressed. You may have to sew the pleats in place at the bottom of the skirt.

When measuring and securing your pleat folds, remember that you need the right number of pleats so that the waist is still the right measurement. You may need to try on the skirt before sewing to make sure you have the right waist size.

Knowledge of backstitching, edge-stitching, sewing a waistband and sewing in a zipper are required to make pleated skirts.